Garden Fresh By The Seasons


  1. Fresh and Local

    There is still so much fresh and local produce available even in the winter. I use the obvious, beets, cabbage, carrots, cauliflower, onions, potatoes and garlic. I'm also using a lot of kale, Swiss chard, mushrooms and fresh herbs. Chef Smeets our Chef de cuisine is using all of the above and, fresh parsnips, celery root, baby greens, baby broccoli, arugula, sprouted legumes, and whatever else looks good. I love the seasons and the variety each season provides.

    This is a time of year for beet root soup, hand crafted stocks, all kinds of hearty greens, beans, home baked bread, pickles, braises, stews, ferments confit and conserves, but we are turning a corner and in a few more weeks we'll start to see asparagus and spring onions. I love this season almost as much as tomato season. It's a delicious challenge.

  2. You need to sell your pickles they are awesome!
